good evening girlies i



i'm releasing a new album soon. it is 80 minutes long. my cutest boyfriend in the world ODAE is mastering it; it will be called CLUB EGO DEATH or possibly diamond night; i can't decide which!

i'm listening to ATLAS SOUND and i'm just thinking, like, oh! what a night it is. you have to write blog posts when you feel the Call of the Night's-Time. i am so full of heady stuff it's time to offload; not that i'm going to spend three hours venting on this post or anything. i just need to type semi-mindlessly while i listen to the album, because it's generating a lot of excess energies in my wee fingertips.

oh my gosh my favorite song on the album is starting hold up you guys

i could listen to letitia sadler's voice at any time and any place. she could sing me to sleep . . . my ETERNAL sleep!

ok the album's actually almost over i need to wrap this post up

to all the hotties: stay smooth.

to all the NOTTIES: keep climbin'!

*parasocially* i love you

max ouwt